Finished semester exams!

I  finished semester exams yesterday! I think this semester was the hardest semester I had. Because I had to study every in last year for these exams... as triple than usual. A lot of different if compare with my semester in Iceland. I was very good at Maths at there but here, I'm just a damn guy with Calculus and such many things.

But I'm so glad about them, I think I did very well. Hopefully I will get 3.00+ (Thai education system has 4 levels of grade) Now? I have a few days for relax... four days I guess. After that I have to study harder for universities entrances those are coming October until next May.

As you know, I'm thinking about what I suppose to study. I had some in mind; Computer Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (Computer Science or Database Management) and kind of Biotechnology Engineering. Anyway, my mom and dad are still cheering for Medicine (that is almost impossible for me, now with these studies) So, with all of these, I will have special classes everyday 7.30 til 19.00 until the school will be opened. I'm gonna be very extremely busy until then.

I'm still listening and reading Icelandic in my little free time to make mine improves or at least stable.

Yeah, you should be attracted by this new website theme. I decided to make it cleaner and faster with this minimal style theme. :D