WIHL: User's Feedback Is Important

WIHL: User's Feedback Is Important

A few months ago, YouTube changed its Android application to eliminate Hamburger bar and intensively used tab layout. I was happy at the design except the Subscription tab. I have subscribed to 371 channels so far and I accessed around 10 - 15 channels per day. In YouTube website, the left panel that lists all top visited channels are extremely useful for me. Unfortunately, that version of Android app limits Subscription to around 6 - 10 channels and when you click more button, it directs to all channels that are sorted alphabetically.

I sent YouTube team a feedback about this (angrily), but I didn't expect any changes. Until yesterday, I was using Chromecast with iflix and wanted to explore videos on Android's YouTube, which I've barely used since that annoyed design was up and used mostly its web version. Surprisingly, there was an update and now those 6 - 10 channels on the top are now scrollable! Now I can access top channels of mine as usual! I was so happy and even tweet about it.

Anyway, I learned from this to consider user's feedback. A user who wastes his/her time to send you a feedback is your fanboy, just like me. They love your app enough to send something to you, so take it and proceed it. If it is true and need to be fixed, do it. Just like YouTube did.

Btw, thank you YouTube :)